Amazon RDS: How to resolve problem that slow query log is stop on the Cloud Watch


Amazon RDS can output slow query log to Cloud Watch.


The cause is unclear but this log is sometimes stop. You can check log is working correctly by SQL below.

select sleep(5);

*The argument value of the sleep function (5 in above example) should same or greater than long_query_time value in the parameter group of Amazon RDS. f:id:shindo1687:20200411225943p:plain

You can see output log on the Cloud Watch when log is working correctly. If you cannot see it, log is stopped.



  1. Edit slow_query_log value of parameter group to 0.
    *The database is not restart by this change because this parameter is dynamic type. f:id:shindo1687:20200411230257p:plain

  2. Wait for database status become Modifying then back to Available.

  3. Edit slow_query_log value of parameter group to 1.

  4. Wait for database status become Modifying then back to Available again.

  5. Execute SQL select sleep(5); then check slow query log is output on the Cloud Watch.