
The error "error: unable to read property list from file:..." occurred for "Preprocessed-Info.plist" file while XCode building

XCode 10.3 The error below occurred while XCode building when you set YES to Preprocess Info.plist File of "Build Settings". "error: unable to read property list from file:<Preprocessed-Info.plist file path>" error: The operation couldn't be completed. (XCBUtil.PropertyList</preprocessed-info.plist>…

AWSのRoute53でZone Apexへのアクセスをリダイレクトする


やりたい事 AWS(Amazon Web Service)のRoute53で管理しているドメイン(example.com)について、Zone Apex(example.com)へのHTTP/HTTPSアクセスをサブドメイン(www.example.com)にリダイレクトする。 Route 53ではZone Apexに対して通常のCNAMEやAレコードを設…